10 Hot ideas for your business blog content


Having a blog on your business website is a great and simple way to add fresh content that will keep Google and other search engines happy. Regular new content means that your website is up-to-date, current and shows potential customers and employees that you are active online and also gives you content to share across social media. But in a busy world it’s not always easy to find something to shout about. Here are 10 hot and universal ideas for blog topics:

1. Accreditations and Certifications

Tell your visitors about any new accreditations, certifications or qualifications that you or your business have achieved. These show that your business is competent, ethical and helps assure quality and trust.

2. Apprenticeships

Apprenticeships are a popular route into employment. Schemes can help strengthen a business and provide the relevant skills to individuals. Shout about your apprentices and their road to success as this type of content helps attract new talent and shows tha t you care about the development of employees.

3. CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility)

Share with your audience any CSR, charity or sponsorship initiatives you or your employees are involved with. Blogging about these activities shows a softer side to your business and its positive effects on environmental and social welfare.

Show that your business is competent, ethical and trustworthy.

4.  Employee schemes

Any employee schemes, recognition programmes or benefits that your business offers make a good talking point as they can show why it is great to work with you and also strengthen links with any involved third parties.

5. Events

If your business has been involved with an event this can be blog content gold. Positive write-ups before and after an event can show different and personable sides of your business and are also likely to be shared and engaged with by the event organisers and attendees.

6. National and World Days

Almost every day of the calendar year is now affiliated with some wonderful activity or initiative. From national pie day to world oceans day, they vary from the fun to the serious. Blogging about your companies views ,affiliation or celebration of these days is a smart way to create fun, shareable and trending content.

7. Health and Safety

Health and Safety is a hot topic because it effects the well-being of lives of workers. Demonstrate to your audience and potential employees that your business takes health and safety seriously and share with them news of any certifications or standards that you have achieved.    

8. Success stories

New product launches, improved service offerings, case studies and testimonials can all be shaped into stories that prove your businesses success. Blogging about these success stories is a good way to build a strong reputation and show that your business is continually developing, improving and exceeding expectations.

9. New appointments

If a new person has been appointed to your business then share the news in a blog and highlight the strengths, skills and areas of expertise that they are bringing with them. Not only do these blogs show business development but they can help make a new appointment feel welcomed to a business.

10. Thought Piece

Has a new law been introduced that effects your business or a recent occurrence impacted your industry? There are always developments taking place in any sector. Writing a thought piece blog about these happenings is current and topical. Sharing this type of blog across social media at the right time, and with the right tone and messages, can achieve high levels of engagement.

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